1. 抗震救灾,众志成城
United as a wall, making quake small.
2. 抗震救灾
Fighting against earthquake and relieving disaster.
3. 众志成城
United as a wall
4. 万众一心
Working with one heart
5. 团结一致
United as one
6. 守望相助
Offering timely help
7. 灾难有界,大爱无疆
Disaster has limit while the greatest love knows no boundary
8. 血脉相连
Linked with the same flesh and blood
9. 灾情就是命令,时间就是生命
As a disaster is an order, every second counts for a survivor.
10. 一方有难,八方支援
When disaster strikes, help comes from all sides.
"As long as there is a ray of hope, we will make every effort and never say never."
12. “不抛弃,不放弃”!——72小时过去之后,温总理仍然坚持人员探救
"Never cast aside and never give up!"
13. 温总理对军人说:“是人民在养你们!”
"It is the people who raise you up!"
14. “救人是重中之重!”
"Saving a life belittles anything else!"