一、翻译技巧之明喻: 本文转载自www.yzbxz.com 一支笔写作网
Similie is the comparison of two distinctly unlike things using such words as seems to be, resemble, as, like or as if.
The old man’s hair is as white as snow.
O my love’s like a red, red rose. (Robert Burns)
A teacher is like a candle.
The politician speaks as eloquently as Socrates.
My love is as a fever, longing still. For that which longer nurseth the disease. (Shakespeare)
talk like a book 说话文绉绉的
drink like a fish 痛饮
smoke like a chimney 烟鬼
as proud as a peacock
as timid as a mouse
as black as pitch
as blind as a bat
as brave as a lion
as busy as a bee
as poor as a church mouse
as straight as an arrow
as sly as a fox 像狐狸一样狡猾
as faithful as a dog
as slow as a tortoise
as high as a kite
as quiet as a lamb 像羔羊一样驯良
as sharp as knife
as light as a feather
as hungry as a wolf
as black as a crow
as motionless as a statue
as white as snow